Simply fill out the enquiry page, give our friendly team a call on 01789 773000 or email and we will arrange to show you around.

Contact details

Our full address is:

Cider Mill Barns
Long Marston Road,
Pebworth, CV37 8GF

Please type “Cider Mill Barns” into Google or Apple Maps, as postcodes don’t work well round here!

01789 773000

On arrival

The barns are accessible via our private drive off the Long Marston to Dorsington Road – look for the Cider Mill Barns sign.

Parking is available for up to 80 cars. Cars can be left overnight but must be collected by 10am the following morning.

Cider Mill Barns

Request a brochure

For more information, download our wedding brochure and price guide.

Book a viewing…

Simply fill out the form, and we’ll be in touch to arrange a viewing.

Hosting an event?

We don’t just do weddings!
We also love to host anniversary parties, big birthdays, christenings
and corporate events.